"One of the best and kindest photographers!! I can't wait to work with you again Crystal! She made me feel so comfortable for my first shoot with her I instantly felt myself calm down when I was feeling anxious! She's so talented I've never felt more beautiful and confident than I did with this shoot! Can't wait to shoot again soon!!" - Aliyah Simmons.


On location or In -Studio or In-Home

Open for
Business Headshot/ Fashion/ Beauty/
Portfolio building/ Kids/ Pets/Any other projects

Online Photo Album
Images in both Color and Black & white
Concept Consultation
Camera and posing directions

Starts from $299


On location or In -Studio or In-Home

Online Photo Album
Images in both Color and Black & white
Style & Concept Consultation
Camera and posing directions
High-End Photoshop Retouching

Starts from $549


In-home or In-Studio

Online Photo Album included
Images in both Color and Black & white
Style and Concept Consultation
High-End Photoshop Retouching

Starts from $549


Document your journey

Studio/ Location session
Lifestyle/ fashion approach

Additional fees for
-Hair and Makeup
-Outfit Styling



Crafting your lifetime of memories, I’ll load you with a beautifully edited collection of high-end images. we’ll chat about everything that’s important to you and your lovers and together we will bring some magic to life!


CTPhotography can always customize a package, send me a message and we can discuss something specifically for you


Do you shoot commercial work?

Yes, I do all kinds of work and I have worked with Magazines, Brands for their E-commerce, Catalogue, and modeling agencies around the world. Send me a message to discuss.

How long does a personal photoshoot usually take?

Studio shoot usually take about 2-3 hours including Hair and Makeup time. Location shoot depends on the setting and the weather. Could take up to 5 hours.

How do you take payments?

Only by email transfer at the moment.

Do you do family shoots or events?

Yes, I offer different styles of photography sessions. Send me a message to discuss.

Can I order prints through you?

yes 100%, I have access to some high-quality prints that you can order through your private online album. and there are lots of sizing options to choose from!

How long does it take for the images to return?

Depending on the number of photos, usually about 4-6 weeks. you can do a rush order with an additional fee with a one-week return.

Booking Rundown

1.Send me an email.

2. Discuss the details of the shoot (Session, time and date, payments and what to prepare)

3. Photoshoot Session

4.Pick your images for me to retouch(online or on location)

5. Receive images

Ready to Begin?